Category: Award
Premio Eolo
Award Award presented to “Centro Meteo Uniparthenope” of 5th FIV Zone for weather nowcasting predictions via X-band radar N/A Cod.…
Meteo Parthenope
Award High-Reliability Weather Monitoring Project by Parthenope University N/A Cod. LHLGP1B2YA
Best Paper Award
Award Performance, resilience and security in moving data from the fog to the cloud: The DYNAMO transfer framework approach IDCS…
PDP Best Presentation Award
Award 31st Euromicro International Conference about parallel, distributed and network based processing 2023 Cod. MHVIUCV94E
Vesuvio Race
Award Sponsorship and collaboration for the IV edition of Offshore Vesuvio Race 2023 2023 Cod. XHE0IPTRFE